Everybody relies on technology to do a lot of work for us. Whether it is looking up something online or calculation, doing basic algebra, things look better and are easier when we rely on technology.
Every advancement in technology can bring us more of everything, speed, safety, better communication, excitement, even. What about technology in healthcare? How important is technology in healthcare? Here is a bit on how medicine gets improved from technology.
Communication Is Key

With better communication, or rather, networking devices, switches, routers, access points and servers, hospitals and private clinics can operate much better. Better communication all over the hospital can lead to lives saved, because the doctors and nurses will be notified earlier if something goes bad with a patient in intensive care, for example. When communication is speedy, everybody benefits from it, particularly the patients.
Life Saving Equipment
When technology thrives, so do the people. With medicine and healthcare, this means equipment that can save lives. Newer machines that can keep people alive better, as well as monitor their vitals and alert at the slightest change.
On the other side, laboratory equipment has progressed so far that doctors and pharmacists can create medicine in a much more precise way. This leads to better medicine and better understanding of the human body, as well as the many diseases that can plague it. All of this can count as life saving equipment, whether in the long run, or when push comes to shove.
Data Analysis and Number Crunching
Everybody knows of the pains when you need to do number crunching and data analysis. When you have a huge amount of data, it is difficult to go through everything on your own.

This is where AI technology steps in to give a helping hand, or rather processor.
When you have plenty of data to deal with, which is pretty likely with lots of patients, records and everything related to them, AI technology can help crunch the numbers and get things going in the right direction. What would take humans weeks to deal with, a computer can do in under an hour.
Artificial Organs
This is a very interesting concept which has been done multiple times over the years. With time and technology, and assuming what we have today, artificial organs have become much better. Innovations in the field allow for organs which are more likely to be accepted by the body and not get the immune system fired up. This is relatively new technology and it can only get better with time.
Robots Doing Surgery

We have seen amazing sci-fi movies with robots and almost magical devices which can help humans recover from serious injuries and even near-death situations. Robotic surgeries are becoming more realistic, particularly for more menial surgeries. That being said, even more complex surgeries will be possible with time and programming/teaching. At some point, AI technology will be a likely candidate to guide automated surgeries.
Technology develops with time and healthcare and medicine can only benefit from it.